Thursday, July 31, 2014

Day 46...Beach Day!

Sorry I wasn't able to post last night, but here is a run down of both of my days.

Yesterday I didn't have any breakfast, but I was able to take the kids out for lunch at Eggs & Things in Valencia. I had their yummy southwestern salad with ranch dressing. It was very good and very filling. It was nice to have lunch with both of my kids. Not a normal feat with teenagers, at least in my house.

After lunch, Mikey and I went clothes shopping for him since he has lost so much weight. After that was done we headed over to my brother's house. My mom has come to visit for a week and is staying at his house while she's here. He lives in Stevenson Ranch, so it is great to be able to have us both visit with our mom when she is in town.

My brother and I drank some vodka and Arizona ice tea drinks. He makes a nice drink. He added some capri sun for the first round to cut the excess vodka. Oh well, capri sun wasn't the best choice for me, but that's OK, I was hanging out and on "vacation."

For dinner, we ordered Wood Ranch in Stevenson Ranch and ate it while we visited. We had baby back ribs, tri-tip, mashed potatoes, whipped sweet potatoes and cole slaw. It was so good and so filling. The one thing that I did do good was I didn't eat any of their garlic rolls. Those rolls are amazing, so refraining was an accomplishment for me.  That was all for yesterday.

Today was our beach day at Carpinteria State Beach with my mom, Mackenzie, sister-in-law, Roxy, and Niece, Jackie. It was so nice and cool (except for the sand, that was HOT!). Such a beautiful day and super crowded as you can probably guess. Before we got on the road, I stopped at Subway and got some iced tea and their excellent grilled chicken salad with bacon and ranch dressing. I have them throw all of their veggies into the salad, minus the jalapeƱo peppers. The banana peppers give it a great zing. One suggestion, ask them for all spinach instead of iceberg lettuce. I forgot today and it was a little soggy and not as good for me.

While at the beach I had some of my favorite pre-popped "movie" popcorn and called it a day until dinner. We decided that dinner was going to consist of Joe's Crab Shack since most of us had never been there. The adults had margaritas with a hard "red solo" cup that you could take home. So, of course, we had to each have 2 drinks to make it a small set.

Yummy margarita!

When it was time to order dinner, I decided to be a little bit good. I had a lobster cobb salad with avocado ranch dressing. It was good, but I think I could have made it better. Does that sound bad? I would have added more goodies to it. After all, it is with lobster, spruce it up!

Lobster Cobb Salad
Because I was feeling like being a little bad, I had some calamari. Not healthy at all and it wasn't just a little bad, pretty much, a lot bad, but it was good and adding the crunch to my salad was nice. There was a lot of fried food at the table, so having my own little bit of heaven made my dinner doable with my lack of strength when it comes to peer pressure, more like my own pressure I put on myself. It was good though, so at least it was worth it.
Fried Calamari

Now we are home and I am not sure that I am going to have anything else to eat today. Maybe I will have a little GF brownie (I'm surprised they are still around, but they are...yippee). Have you had any struggles with your decision making of food? Have you tried any new recipes? Please share.

I hope your day was excellent!

Until tomorrow,

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