Saturday, July 5, 2014

Day 20...Just Me and My Girl

Coffee was my breakfast of choice today...again. I slept in a bit today after a very stressful night with my dogs. Fireworks and high strung dogs do not mix.

After we got ourselves functioning, Mackenzie and I found ourselves out by the pool. It was especially fun because we brought, Keith, our bearded dragon out with us. He floated in the pool in the sun on a raft and hung out with it. He was so happy and chill.

After some time in the sun, I realized that I was starving! I grabbed a plum and then had a bowl of cottage cheese with avocado and homemade Italian dressing. It was so tasty. I could actually feel it giving me more energy. Is that strange? Do you ever feel that way? When you feel like you are being nourished? I know I'm weird! That's OK, I'm good with it. I've accepted it as me.

After I had my nourishing snack I wanted to make something sweet for us to have tonight when we were craving a treat. I made a cocoa & almond butter chia pudding.
Cottage Cheese with Avocado and Italian Dressing

We went to Castaic Nails to get pedicures. Since Mackenzie was "starving," we decided to go to Kyoto in Valencia to have some yummy sushi. I figured since this isn't exactly a great choice for me, I would make this my "cheat" meal for the week. I wasn't too bad, but I normally wouldn't have any tempura of any type so I will just admit that it was a cheat and call it a day.

Mexican Roll (spicy crab)

Crazy Roll (baked halibut on a California roll)

Lion Roll (tempura shrimp with crab on top)
I also had an iced tea, ginger salad and one piece of tempura calamari. We left and had to be rolled out of the restaurant. We were stuffed. All You Can Eat is dangerous.

Later when we got home, we tried the Cocoa/Almond Butter Chia Pudding. It was OK, not great. Would have been better as a smoothie with banana, I think. It wasn't really pudding like. Maybe I didn't let it sit long enough in the refrigerator, or maybe it was just blended too much in the nutri-bullet. No idea, but I will try it again another time with more chia.

That's all folks! Tomorrow we will go to the movies and the swap meet. Popcorn is going to be my downfall. What will I do? I will try to get us to lunch before the movies so that I am too full to gorge myself on popcorn. Otherwise, I may be in danger.

Until tomorrow,

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