Friday, July 18, 2014

Day 33...The Week of Winging It!

I was just about to go upstairs and put my jammies on, but I felt like I was forgetting something. I blog! Today was a pretty slow day in the food department. I woke up and had myself some coffee, or did I? To be honest, I can't remember.

I got ready for the day and did some chores including getting over to Wal-Greens to get some more vitamins. The doctor called to tell me that my blood results were better for B12 & Magnesium, but not normal yet. It was 2 weeks on the vitamins, so I used a suggestion that a friend of mine gave me and got some magnesium citrate and sublingual B12. I will see if that makes a difference.

Since I was out I got the kids breakfast burritos at Telly's in Castaic. They love those burritos. The flour in the tortilla is the only bad thing, so I went with it. I only got an iced tea for myself. Still diet coke free, if you were wondering.

I came home and found myself feeling a bit nauseous. I think it was my lack of food along with my vitamins on an empty stomach, so I sat down with a bag of the healthy "movie" popcorn. I probably should have made myself an omelet or something, but I wasn't really in the mood. I needed to catch up on my Big Brother. Devin was on the block! :) I ate the entire bag of popcorn. Not something I am proud of, but this blog is for my accountability, so I am owning it.

I had physical therapy today so I got going. That is 2 hours of upper body exercise with isometrics and weights. I keep trying to add more weight because I am so competitive, don't know if I am hurting myself or not, but I like the workout.

After I got home, I knew I had to make something for dinner. As has been par for the course this week, I was gonna wing it again. I thawed some Seafood Blend in some cold water and started the water to boil on the stove for some corn pasta. While the water was boiling and the seafood was thawing, I added some chopped onions to my iron skillet and chopped up some mushrooms all to sauté in clarified butter (ghee). It seemed like it needed more than salt and pepper so I added some crushed garlic and Old Bay Seasoning to it while it cooked down. Once that was caramelized and ready, I added the Seafood Blend. As it was cooking, I remembered that I had some leftover cooked chopped bacon, so I added that to the mixture while it was cooking. After the pasta was done, I mixed it into the seafood mixture in the iron skillet and added some asiago/parmesan cheese, until it was a bunch of cheesy goodness.
Seafood Blend

Seafood Blend Corn Pasta

Oh, I almost forgot, my baby girl also had PT today, but we drove separately since we were 30 mins off on our start times. On her way home, she stopped at Juice It Up in Valencia and brought me and Mikey all fruit smoothies. I drank the smoothie while I was eating dinner. I was in heaven! What a treat!

All Fruit Smoothie from Juice It Up!
After dinner I chomped on some dehydrated mangos and am now ready for bed. I was up late last night finishing up the Orange is the New Black season 2. Now I have to wait until next summer for season 3. I sure do miss my girls at Litchfield Prison. 

Confession time, last night, after the blog was sent and while I was watching OITNB, I pigged out on some TJ's trail mix and plantain chips. Neither were bad for me, but I didn't blog them last night (since the blog was already posted) so I've been feeling guilty. One thing I won't do on this blog is lie about my food intake as that would defeat the purpose of this blog altogether. 

I hope you had a great week and are looking forward to a wonderful weekend filled with good choices.

Until tomorrow,

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