Sunday, August 24, 2014

Day 69...ESPN Auto-Draft Is HORRIBLE!

What a great day spending time with my friend, Rachel and her baby girl, Kaylana. I love hanging out with these girls. 

The day started with me downing some coffee and then realizing that my house needed some love. I did a full downstairs cleaning and felt good that I got it done. The rest of my family were upstairs napping, so it was the perfect time.  I was supposed to go Chris' house to participate in my fantasy draft, but after coming to the realization that this was going to be the first football game of sorts for Mackenzie to be an official purple shirt leading the sports med team with the 3 other purple shirts (huge accomplishment), I couldn't miss it. I set my fantasy team on auto-draft by selecting the positions that I wanted drafted for each round and the number of players I wanted for each position. Easy, right? 

Brian texted me to tell me that I got the #1 pick. I was so excited, because this meant was going to land me Adrian Peterson for my first pick. I love AP. I drafted him as a rookie and did very well that year. The very upsetting thing is that I didn't get AP, the crappy auto-draft gave me Doug Martin. What? Doug Martin? WTH? My whole team is not what I was hoping it would be and I am a bit frustrated. It is just going to make me work harder managing my team this season, but I am up for the challenge. Watch out to the rest of the teams in my league, I am coming for blood! 

OK, I said it. I am better now. Thank you for allowing me to vent! 

While I was waiting for Rachel and Kaylana to come over, I made myself 2 GF sandwiches. I love these sandwiches. I added avocado and smushed it with the mayo, mustard and chia seeds. So tasty. 

The plan for today was to have a couple drinks with Rachel before the scrimmages. This season, we decided to try a different drink. Last year, we would make Blueberry Muffin drinks made with blueberry juice and whipped cream vodka. Very good. 

Yesterday, we tried a different recipe made with pineapple juice, pomagrante juice, vodka and malibu rum. It is called the Purple Flip Flop. I didn't take a picture of the drink, but the pic below is what it was supposed to look like. Mine wasn't quite so purple. I wish. 

Pinterest photo by wewerebornready wewerebornready

The football parents put out a huge spread of food for the players and families after the scrimmages. It was so kind of them to do that. Because I had my sandwiches, I didn't eat any of the food. I am glad that I wasn't hungry, because there were so many yummy choices that I was surely going to over eat and make bad choices for myself. 

Once I got home, I was pretty hungry. I was so tempted to eat things in the house that weren't the best ideas, so in a desperate attempt to still eat well, I grabbed a bag of seeds with pepitas, almonds, and many other seed type nuts with dried cranberries. I had a couple of handfuls of that and hit the hay. 

That was it for the day. I know that I wasn't perfect because I enjoyed the purple flip flops, but I had a great day and am happy that I was there to watch the players do their thing and to see my girl step up into her new position within sports med. All of the students in that program are amazing. All the players at VHS are so lucky to be supported and taken care of by all of these babies. 

VHS Sports Med Purple Shirts (Head Trainers)

Seeing the parents that I don't see outside of football season was so much fun. I can't wait for the season to begin. I love watching VHS Football and seeing my baby girl on the sidelines.  GO VHS!

Until tomorrow,

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