Sunday, August 17, 2014

Day 62..Cheat Day (yesterday)

I woke up extra late yesterday and immediately started on my coffee.  It was yummy! Once I got myself ready I met Brian at BJ's for lunch. He was out keeping himself busy since he is an early bird and was bored at home waiting for us all to wake up.

The bad eating/drinking started at BJ's at lunchtime. I had 2 Stella beers and a California chicken club sandwich with string fries and ranch dressing. It was all really good and I don't feel guilty at all. I should but I don't! That might be an issue, but freeing myself for the day was really nice.

The rest of the afternoon was about being lazy. I vegged out until it was time to get ready for my friend, Joy's 40th birthday party at Sisley's in Valencia. Once we were ready to leave, we were ready to have a great night enjoying old friends while celebrating Joy.

These friends were friends that we developed while Mikey was playing pee-wee football. That was when Mikey was in 2nd grade. He is now in 9th and these people are still important to me even though my boy stopped playing football years ago. They have always made us feel special to them and we love them for their friendship. Hugs, love,  laughter and great conversation all around.

At the party I had 2 Stella beers and a Tom Collins (Brian ordered it without knowing that I already ordered a beer). They were really good.

For dinner, I ordered the chilean sea bass. It was served on spinach and mashed potatoes. It was to die for, so good. They started the meal with a dinner salad and I ordered it with creamy italian dressing. I was dying, all was so good.

For dessert, I ordered a cookie cake. It was huge and I really couldn't eat much of it, but it was good.

Cookie Cake before

Cookie Cake after

I feel horrible that I didn't eat much of it. It was good and yummy, but way too big. 

Thank you to Joy and Todd for such a great night with friends. We are so thankful to be apart of your anchor. <3

Until later today,

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