Monday, September 15, 2014

Day 92...It's HOT!

I'm sure you are able to tell that I took the weekend off with my lack of posts and break in my days. I think that will be the standard now. Friday-Sunday will be blog free. Seriously, with it being football season, how many times do you want to read that I ate bar food and drank beer or hard cider?

OK, so today is Monday and I started doing my thing. Coffee, lunch, smoothies, you know the drill. The only thing that has changed is that Mikey is now drinking his morning smoothies. We got LA Fitness memberships and he as gone almost every day since we got them. He is going with our family friend, Chris, and it is a total beat-down. Thankfully, Mikey listens to Chris and has experienced a workout session without protein prior to it and it was very hard for him. Sometimes they have to learn on their own. Now, when he knows he will be working out after school, he has his morning shakeology. Yay! Whatever works!

Today was about running around and doing errands for the kids in addition to grocery shopping. Trader Joe's was the store of choice today. I was missing my dehydrated mangos. I haven't been able to find them anywhere else with just mangos as the ingredient.

After I got all of my groceries, I rushed home to empty them only to get back in the car to rush over to Juice It Up and Togos for Mikey. Getting in and out of the car, I was reminded about how hot it was today. It was miserable. It is not a hot that we don't know, I think we are all just over it. Totally over it! We didn't get a winter, we skipped spring and now we are at the end of summer without a break. I really hope fall gives us some love.

During the course of the day, I ate some of the chocolate probiotic nuts, dehydrated mangos and a half of a Juice It Up smoothie. After I picked Mikey up from school, I dropped him off and headed to PT. It was very hard to go to PT so late in the day. Normally, if I don't start at 11am, I start at 2pm. 4:30pm was a bit rough, but it was worth it because Mackenzie was working today, so I got to see her.

After my beating was done at PT <smirk>, I came home and started dinner. Tonight, I sautéed some onions, mushrooms and garlic in butter and then added some langostino to it while it simmered down.  In a separate pot, I boiled and cooked some corn pasta. Once it was all cooked, I mixed the langostino   and pasta together and added some cheese. It was very good. 

Langostino and Pasta

While I was cooking dinner, I had a bottle of hard cider and finished another one while watching Monday Night Football. That is all for today! Not a whole lot to report. I hope you had a great weekend and were able to creep your way through Monday.

Until tomorrow,

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