Monday, June 16, 2014

Day 1...Stocking Up the House

Last night I made some chia pudding (almond milk, chia seeds & honey) for my daughter,  Mackenzie, since I wouldn't be up when she left for football practice at 5:00am (she does Sports Med and takes care of the Varsity Football boys at Valencia High School). It looked pretty good so I made one for myself as well. All in all, it wasn't too bad. I added overripe bananas to it for some added sweetness, and probably won't do that again.  Mackenzie liked it too, but misses her oatmeal. She is my oatmeal queen. I bought some GF oats today, so she will be getting some of her favorite breakfast real soon.

Today was a good day, a busy day, but a good day. I went to Whole Foods or is it Whole Paycheck? Wow! That was a big bill, but I had to get some staples. I am so glad that I emptied the fridge yesterday because it sure did make unloading groceries a cinch (I despise unloading groceries, it makes me grouchy).

I had to go to PT (physical therapy) today, and since it is close to the local Smart & Final, I decided to get some more veggies, fruits and mixed nuts. Boy, I am going to get in trouble this week with my excess shopping. I hope it pays in the long run.

Dinner tonight was my "Chopped" version of dinner. Brian (husband), bought shrimp, scallops and steak to make for dinner last night, but since it was Father's Day, I wanted to go out. I didn't think he should cook, and I don't really cook on the weekends, so off to the local Mexican restaurant we went. That just side tracked me, sorry! Now, I had those ingredients to make for dinner tonight but didn't really know what I was making. I had a fridge full of veggies, but still no ideas, so I just started throwing stuff together. Sautéed butter for the shrimp and scallops, added some steak. Then, sautéed some onions, mushrooms and spinach with the Bays Seafood Seasoning (my new best friend). Added the proteins back to the sautéed veggies and cooked up some fresh green beans on the side with pine nuts.  I didn't know what to put on the plate to round out the dish, so I threw some yukon potatoes in the microwave. I served the proteins on top of the baked potato with the green beans on the side.  It was very flavorful and oh so filling!!!

I know some of these items are not exactly Paleo, but as long as it is not processed and is gluten-free, I will use it. Does that make sense? Does it sound like I am making this up as I go? I am.

Another change I am making for my health is eliminating soda. I am a diet coke addict. It is a problem. So, in addition to starting this new way of eating, I also eliminated soda (Day 1).  I have some pomegranate/blueberry tea outside making some sun-tea, as I type this. Yummy!

Mackenzie came in to tell me that she likes our new way of eating. She gets to eat all of the things that she likes (she is my veggie and fruit baby), and it will make her feel good too.  Also, Chia works! LOL!

Now it is time for me to get myself ready to sit down to watch The Bachelorette.

Until tomorrow,

1 comment:

  1. The first time shopping IS a shocker! but you are restalking... so it will all work out in the long run!

    I forgot to tell yo about Pamela's GF baking mix.... it makes awesome pancakes... AND there are recipes on the bag which is where I got my banana bread recipe... it's totally wonderful! and so is "Pamela's"!

    Proud of you, babygirl!!!

