Thursday, June 26, 2014

Day 11...Not the Best Day.

Today Brian decided to work from home. It was a great day to do that since USA was playing Germany in the FIFA World Cup. I made Mackenzie a gluten-free bagel and Brian and I went out to seek a place to watch the game. We ended up at Schooners in SCV hoping to get breakfast while watching the game. Well, since they aren't normally open at that time and only opened early for the game, they were not making breakfast. Not a whole lot of choices for me so I decided on their potato salad. It was all fresh, no mayo and had mustard and honey. It was really good, but tasted more like a side dish than a main course (even though it was listed in their salad section). Thinking back, I probably should have made some adjustments and made one of their other salads work for me. But, at  9am in the morning, I really didn't want a salad.

Brian had a beer and I had a nasty ice tea that I ended up swapping out for ice water. Still Diet Coke free!  It wasn't very easy to be in a bar that we normally drink beers and eat poorly, so I really wanted to get out of there. 

As the day went on, I had some dried mango, macadamian nuts and left over mashed potatoes from last night. I think I am having a love affair with potatoes. That needs to stop.  I wasn't feeling great today so I took a nap and woke up to dinner that Brian got for us. He ordered from Ameci's in Castaic.  He got a bucket of salad, GF pizza and eggplant parmesan for me. He was so sweet to get me the eggplant parmesan knowing that I love it so much.  The hard thing is that they make it breaded. When I make it, I don't bread it, so I don't think he knew it was going to be a poor choice. I didn't want to be a pain in the a$$ and it smelled so good, so I ate it. It was good, but the guilt I feel for eating it is astonishing. I told him about how I was feeling when I sat down to write this blog and he said, "Well, just think of all of the beer you could have had this morning during the game. You didn't do that bad!" He is sweet and I appreciate him understanding my struggles. 

Tomorrow is a new day and I won't harp on my sadness for having a "not so good" day. I've been slacking a bit on my preparations of my food, so I will get on that again tomorrow and get ahead of the game again. That is the only way that I am going to succeed. 

Until tomorrow,

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