Thursday, October 23, 2014

October 23rd...Sleepy Today

I was not really able to get it together today. I have been very tired all day. In fact, I am on my phone typing this blog while on  my bed. <Yawn>

This morning was like every other except for the fact that it was a minimum day. That meant I was able to sleep until 6:20 instead of 6:00 since Mackenzie's class didn't start until 7:20. Yippee

On my way home from taking Mikey to school with my first and only cup of coffee, I went through the drive thru and got some breakfast from Jimmy Dean's. I ordered their avocado omelet with no toast or potatoes, but with added bacon and sausage. I didn't order anything to drink and that was all I ordered. It was $16! What? I was shocked and won't be ordering that again. What a rip off! It is expensive to make substitutions in order to eat low carb. Geez! 

This does not look like a $16 breakfast, does it? 

My sleepy day progressed with some laundry and an early pick up of Mikey since it was a minimum day. When I picked him up Mikey was hungry. Chipotle was totally packed since it was a minimum day and all of the VHS student population was there and in line.  I bailed out and went to El Pollo Loco. Mikey ordered 2 quesadillas and Mac n cheese. I ordered their double chicken Mexican salad. I only ate one today. Tee hee! 

After a nap (I told you I was sleepy today) I decided to start dinner. Tonight's dinner was a low carb take on Eggplant Parmesan called Eggplant Parmesan Boats.  It was pretty tasty and very filling. I think this one is a keeper too. 

I had a glass of moscato wine and am now fighting reflux due to the sweetness. Blah! Laundry had been folding and the TNF game is on. After the bras are done washing and are hung to dry (TMI?), I will be calling it a night around 7:00pm. I hope you had a great day. 

I will try to do the blog tomorrow even though it is a Friday. It may not be at the end of the night, it might not be complete, and it might not even happen, but I will try. I have to stay accountable. 

Until Tomorrow (?),

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