Wednesday, November 5, 2014

November 5th...I Didn't Cook

I sure have been a cooking slacker lately. I haven't cooked dinner in a few days. With Brian on Nutrisystem, I find that it is much easier to feed Mackenzie and Mikey. Mikey is with me and eats a big late lunch and no dinner and Mackenzie will eat anything. Super easy.

Today, I had an appointment to get my hair did. I am having a great deal of fun cutting my hair. It keeps getting shorter and shorter. But, that's OK because it grows super fast.

After I got the kids ready and off to school, I came home and guess what I did? Yep, folded more laundry. So. Much. Laundry! I swear it breeds!

After my hair appointment, I met my friend, Tammie, at Islands for a yummy lunch. We shared some cheddar fries with bacon and ranch. Well, she had some and I had half. I was starving since I only had coffee up until that point in the day. I also had a Mai Tai and a Longboarder Burger with bacon. It was all good, but the conversation was better. I really enjoy my time with Tammie. We were in such a  deep conversation that I was late to pick up Mikey. Yikes! He's a big kid and he was fine!

After I picked up Mikey, we went to Walgreens to get Mikey some tylenol for his sore, newly rubber banded mouth. After we left, we got home and I started vacuuming the Spencer hair off of the floor. As soon as I sat down, Brian texted me to meet him at Las Rocas for a drink. It is nice to sit with just my honey, so I met him. We sat at the bar. I had beer, chips & salsa and their Tropical Chicken Salad on romaine lettuce. Normally, they serve it with iceberg lettuce (ew!), but they made the substitution and it was great!

Do you see the grilled pineapple soaked in ranch dressing? Yummy!

That was all for the day. Not much, huh? I didn't eat great, but I didn't eat horribly. Eh. That's about how I feel about it. Both time I sat down to eat, I was with someone that is special to me. It was a good day! I hope you enjoyed your day too!

Until tomorrow,

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