Wednesday, November 12, 2014

November 12th...Lose It!


It is time! I am sick of my own bullshit and I am making some serious changes. I need to do this for me, for my kids, for my husband and for my health. I need to lose weight, but I have to do it right and  I have to understand that it is not going to happen overnight. There is no quick fix. There is no magic diet. It is calories in & calories out. I am focusing on that now. Of course, eating clean makes that very easy to do. I just need to remember to go back to that when I am feeling overwhelmed. 

I downloaded the app Lose It! and it is awesome. It tracks everything and makes it so easy to do that it will be easy to track my food, my calories, my exercise and has it all at my finger tips. It also uses the iPhone as a pedometer to tell me how many calories I burned walking today. I took Tommy for a little walk while I was waiting for the groomer and burned 35 calories. It isn't a lot, but it as recorded because the phone tracked it. Then, it gave those calories back to me. My goal is to lose 2 lbs a week, so it gives me the calories that I can take in to achieve that goal. 

Today is day 1 of this challenge and I have succeeded. 

Calories in!

I started my day with 2 cups of coffee with sugar free peppermint mocha creamer. Ran around a bit. Had a banana. Took my packages to the post office that I wanted to ship to my friend, Kevin. Had a clif bar. Drank some crystal light raspberry iced tea and tracked that too. 

For dinner, I made my white chicken chili. The Lose It! app allowed me to create the recipe in it by scanning or adding the ingredients. Then, I divided the total by 4 servings, divided it up into 4 different containers and enjoyed my dinner. It was really good. 

The recipe consisted of canned white beans, monterey jack cheese, verde salsa and southwestern chicken. All was mixed together and simmered until the cheese was melted and soup-like. It was tasty. I normally make this in the crockpot, but today I made it on the stove and it was super fast, easy and not too bad calorie-wise. I'm a happy girl.

White Chicken Chili
During the day, I added my chocolate/banana shakeology shake to my calorie count so I knew that at the end of the night I was going to be able to have a very healthy and tasty shake that I made with a banana, a scoop of chocolate shakeology mix and 1 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk.  

Almost finished Chocolate/Banana Shakeology shake
That is all for today. I am very happy with Day 1 of my new challenge. Have you started a new challenge lately? What are your hardest obstacles? Please share!

Until tomorrow,

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