Thursday, November 13, 2014

November 13th...My Health Is My Job!

Today I decided that I don't deserve to have cheat days. I've had enough cheat days in my life, which is why I am 85 lbs heavier then I want to be today. I do not like living like this. I want to be healthy. I want to be able to exercise at will. I want to spring out of bed in the morning excited for the day, not trying to figure out when I will be able to crawl back in.  I don't want to have pains in my feet or worry about boob sweat. I don't want to overheat constantly or get up from sitting with a sweaty back (summer sucks for this issue). 

This is for everything in life, not just exercise. 
I have to be honest with myself. I have cooked healthy, but my portions haven't been good and my slip ups have been more than not. Lots of drinking and with that comes poor choices. I have been trying to really reduce my drinking, so far, I have been good. But, then again, it is only Day 2. Tomorrow will be a challenging day for me as I will be going out and enjoying the first VHS playoff game. Knowing the challenges are coming just means that I will need to plan ahead, not give in to the challenge and let it all go to hell.
It was another good day.
Today, I was invited to give a testimonial about my experience with my favorite podiatrist, Dr. Justin Franson, at the University, Foot & Ankle Institute. I felt honored to do this interview and I took it seriously. I got myself put together, had a cup of coffee and a banana and headed out for my day. In addition to this interview, it was also a minimum day at VHS. This morning Mackenzie decided that she would make it work to be able to get over to Dr. Franson's office to give a testimonial too. She loves Dr. Franson, he is the reason she loves medicine and wants to be in the medical field. Babble, Babble, Babble!

ANYWAY, after my interview, I picked up Mikey and met Mackenzie at Franson's office for her testimonial. She did it and we were off to lunch at Island's. I love having time with my two babies. They both make me so proud, not always when they are together (taunting and arguing), but everyday of their lives. 

While at Island's, I asked for a nutritional menu and chose their No-Blame Veggie Tacos. It was a total of 480 calories for the entire plate of food. It was filling and very yummy. I was extremely proud of my choice, especially since the kids were eating cheddar fries in front of me. I was good, not one fry! My drink was passion fruit unsweetened iced tea.

I'm not gonna lie, I was a little more hungry today, but I stayed with it and continued to drink iced tea with no sweetener. I recently found myself addicted to raspberry iced tea and that is pretty sweet. No more!

I was excited to get home at a decent hour and get into some comfy clothes. I haven't been napping and have only been getting about 5.5 hours of sleep at night, so I was a bit tired. Why am I still up?

For dinner I had leftover white chicken chili and some boy scout popcorn for my snack. I'm under with my calories, but I really don't want to eat just to eat. I will just plan differently tomorrow.  Speaking of tomorrow, I will be up super early to take Brian to Thousand Oaks for his nail bed surgery for his broken finger. I'll spare you a picture of that club looking mess. I hope he will let me mother him just a little. He isn't your typical helpless man, in fact, quite the opposite. My mothering nature kicks into high gear in these situations though. 

Enjoy the rest of your night and stay strong. We deserve to feel good, but we also have to earn it. We have to work for it and it has to matter...each and every day.

Until tomorrow,

P.S. I know tonight's blog sounds a bit preachy, but I wrote it so that I can read it again later should I ever need to regain my current strength. Thank you for reading. 

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